Bristol Airport Transfer

Bristol Airport Transfer


Terms & Condition's

T&C for Capi Cars

Capi Cars Airport Taxi – Terms & Conditions

 The following Terms and Conditions automatically apply when the Customer books Services in connection with a private hire journey provided by Capi Cars.

In this Agreement, 

“Agreed Pick-Up Point” means the address stated by the Customer at the time of making the Booking from which the Vehicle will attempt to collect the customer;

“Agreed Time” means the appointed date and time for the Customer to be picked up by Capi Cars;

“Airport and Seaport Booking” means a Booking made to or from any airport/ Seaport;

“All other Pick-ups” means any other Bookings made exclusive of airports or seaports;

“Customer” means any person(s), firm or company which books the Services;

 “Booking” means a booking made by a Customer for the provision of Services; 

“Price” means the price for the Services communicated to the Customer making the Booking; 

“Terms” means these terms and conditions, as amended from time to time; “Services” means the Services supplied by Capi Cars to the Customer.

1.     Booking Amendments

1.1 The Customer may amend the Booking at no additional cost if the amendment is made no later than 24 hours prior to the Agreed Time and this is the first time the Customer amends a Booking.

1.1.1 Amendments to the Agreed Time after the first booking amendment will incur an extra charge of £15 to the initial Price.

1.2 Should a customer need to change or amend the Booking within 24 hours of the Agreed Time, Capi Cars will charge the Customer an extra £15 on top of the initial Price.

2.     Payments and Deposits 

2.1 Capi Cars will accept cash, Debit and Credit card payment. 

2.2 Capi Cars will accept payment prior to the Services being conducted. 

2.3 Bookings may be subject to additional waiting times and/or car parking charges. Please ask Capi Cars for such details.

3.     Refund policy 

3.1 Airport and Seaport Bookings

3.1.1 Should the Customer not be at the prearranged Agreed Pick-Up Point, Capi Cars will try their best to contact the Customer. 

3.1.2 If the Customer cannot be contacted/ failed to contact Capi Cars after a period of forty-five

(45) minutes, Capi Cars reserves the right to cancel the booking. 

3.1.3 Should Capi Cars have to cancel the booking due to no contact, the Customer will be liable to pay for the Services. 

3.2 All Other Pick-Ups 

3.2.1 Should a Customer fail to be at the Agreed Pick-Up Point within five (5) minutes of the Agreed Time, Capi Cars reserves the right to cancel the Booking. 

3.2.2 Should Capi Cars cancel the booking due to the Customers failure, the Customer will be liable to pay for the Services. 

3.3 Missed flights/ connections

3.3.1 If the Customer has missed the flight/ connection and have not given Capi Cars more than

twelve (12) hours’ notice, the Booking will be cancelled, and the Customer will be liable to pay for the Services. 

3.3.2 If the Customer has given Capi Cars more than twelve (12) hours’ notice, Capi Cars will amend the Customers booking and collect the Customer at the rearranged Agreed Time. 

4.     Cancellation Policy

4.1 If the Customer cancels the Booking less than twenty-four (24) hours (but more than six (6) hours) before the Agreed Time, the Customer shall be liable, dependent on the lesser amount, for the amount of either;

4.1.1 a £50 cancellation fee;

4.1.2 the full cost of the Services

4.2 If the Customer cancels the Booking six (6) hours prior to the Agreed time, the Customer shall be liable to pay for the Services.

4.3 If the Customer cancels more than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Agreed Time, the deposit will be returned to the Customer. 

4.4 Diverted Flights 

4.4.1 If the Customers flight is diverted and lands at another airport, the Booking will be automatically cancelled, and the Customer will not receive a refund. 

4.4.2 Should the customer wish to return to the Agreed Pick-Up Point and request services from Capi Cars, the Customer will need to make a new Booking and pay for the Services in full. 

5.     Waiting charges policy 

5.1 Airports and Seaports

5.1.1 If the customer contacts Capi Cars to inform of the new flight landing/booking time and the time exceeds the forty-five (45) minute allowance, a waiting charge of £15 will be applied with up to a maximum of thirty (30) minutes extra waiting time. 

5.1.2 If the Customer fails to contact Capi Cars within forty-five (45) minutes of the Agreed time, the Booking will be cancelled, and the Customer will not receive a refund. 

5.2 All Other Pick-Ups

5.2.1 If the Customer contacts Capi Cars within five (5) minutes of the Agreed Time, a waiting charge of £15 will be applied of up to a maximum of thirty (30) minutes extra waiting time. 

5.2.2 The waiting time must be agreed with the applicable driver of Capi Cars and Capi Cars reserves the right to not wait for the Customer

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